Certifications are the ultimate proof of expertise, expertise, experience, expertise and commitment worldwide. The DGSV certifies experts and experts on the basis of international standards and regulations. Courts, banks as well as companies and private clients increasingly attach importance to certification.

DGSV International Membership
The company AuG Kiel GmbH is a registered company according to the international rules of the DGSV and the International Certified Expert Member (ICEM):

- Health, Safety and Environmental Management -

Certificate number: EU # IN-II / 7415 - check digit VII-DE97024

DGSV person certification
Mr. Hofterheide is a certified expert of the DGSV for:

- Drone, UAV, UAS
- SORA, ConOps, HSE

Certificate number: EU # IN-II / 7433 - check digit VI-DE89842
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